Monday, September 19, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sound of surf overwhelming

I do not know why, but occasionally the sound of the surf in my apartment is more pronounced than on most evenings. A look at the tides table for today, September 7, 2011, tells me that high tide comes at 10:16 p.m.--a bit more than an hour from now.

The sound of the surf at this time is transformative. I am drawn to it, though a 55 degree temperature, a fog, and a north wind will probably prevent my being there.

But when the full moon is setting over that magnificent beach on September 12 near dawn, I doubt anything could prevent my being there.

All human activities and misadventures pale into appropriate perspective when the elemental sound and power of an incoming Northern Pacific tide is pounding at one's doorstep. This is good--a welcomed diversion.

D. Grant Haynes